Center for Teaching and Learning Campus Leader

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Center for Teaching and Learning Campus Leader

Selection Process:

  1. Nominees are solicited or recruited by the current Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) campus leader.
  2. It is recommended that candidates have served in Energy Pool or have been on the Faculty Development Committee for at least one year and/or have participated in CTL Programming. On the Coon Rapids Campus, involvement in College Hour planning is also recommended.
  3. Candidates complete a form for application indicating why they want to serve, and their qualifications for serving. 
  4. The form is submitted to the dean of innovative learning who selects the CTL campus leader to be further approved by the college Chief Academic Officer and the Minnesota State CTL office.

Position as CTL campus leader starts on 1 July and is selected annually for a one-year renewable term, though it is encouraged that campus leaders serve at least two years.  The CTL leader may serve concurrently as a faculty development chair.

Job Description:

(1 through 8 describe work shared with the faculty development chair and Dean of Innovative Teaching and Learning)

  1. Set goals for the year
  2. Regularly survey faculty to understand faculty development needs
  3. Plan and promote whole-college faculty development activities
  4. Maintain current, relevant web presence
  5. Promote available faculty development resources (e.g. library resource room, technology tools)
  6. Involve Faculty Development Committee members, Energy Pool, and other interested faculty and staff members in campus planning for programs, events, workshops, and activities
  7. Participate in the Board of Trustees Awards for Excellence process
  8. Coordinate campus faculty development programming
    1. Contact presenter or facilitator
    2. Send letter or email of agreement
    3. Make arrangements for rooms, equipment, refreshments, and payment, if applicable (e.g., BUPs, requisitions, invoices)
    4. Publicize programs, speakers, events, and activities
    5. Introduce presenter or facilitator
    6. Send Thank You to presenter
    7. Compile faculty evaluations
  1. Attend CTL Campus Leader Workshops (typically one in Fall, one in Spring) 
    10. Help plan Realizing Student Potential or other metro-wide CTL events 
    11. Communicate with other CTL campus leaders, especially metro leaders, to coordinate programming of campus events 
    12. Liaise with the Minnesota State State CTL office and assist in promoting local, regional, and state-wide events 
    13. Distribute resources and materials provided by Minnesota State CTL to existing or new faculty 
    14. Answer faculty member questions related to CTL resources, policies, and teaching philosophy classes required for new probationary faculty 
    15. Monitor the CTL budget and prepare the subsequent year’s budget 
    16. Write a final report of activities to be submitted to the Minnesota State CTL office.


Job Compensation:

The CTL campus leader receives a $1500 stipend payable in $750 installments after the end of fall and spring semesters.




03.2009 Adopted

07.2017 Technical changes, MnSCU to Minnesota State



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