Policy 1A.4 Communication

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Policy 1A.4 Communication

The college will maintain an open communication process and structure that informs members of the college community, promotes interaction, and provides staff and students the opportunity to express ideas and influence decision-making.


An important part of the philosophy of this college is to function in a climate that facilitates communication. Essential to this philosophy is the belief that individuals work most effectively when they participate in shaping the system of which they are a part and the belief that authority should be delegated where possible and appropriate.

Refer to:
Policy 1A.10 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology
Policy 5A.1 Communications Services and Procedure 5A.1/11 Communications Services


07.1981 Adopted and implemented

10.2012 Reduce amount of Administrator coverage during evenings and Saturdays.

07.2017 Technical Changes

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