A. Statement of Expectation:
Each student of Anoka-Ramsey Community College is expected to conduct him or herself in accordance with college policy and generally accepted norms of conduct in order to preserve Anoka-Ramsey’s safe and supportive learning environment.
B. Definitions:
- “Student” includes all persons registered who:
- Are enrolled in one or more courses, either credit or non-credit.
- Withdraw, transfer, or graduate after an alleged violation of the student conduct code.
- Are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the college.
- Have been notified of their acceptance for admission or have initiated the process of application for admission or financial aid.
- The term “member of the college community” includes any person who is a student, staff or faculty member, administrator or any other person employed by the college.
- The term “administrator” is a campus employee authorized by the President of the college to administer the Student Conduct Code on the campus and to impose sanctions upon students found to have violated the code.
C. College Jurisdiction:
Anoka-Ramsey Community College has the right to take necessary and appropriate action to support and protect the safety and well-being of the college community. Anoka-Ramsey students are expected to abide by local, state and federal laws as well as college policies. The college has discretion to proceed with disciplinary action under this code in the event the alleged conduct is also subject to criminal or civil judicial proceedings. The college may hold students accountable for a violation of prohibited behaviors contained in the Student Conduct Code committed off campus when:
- Hazing is involved; or
- The violation is committed while participating in a college sanctioned or sponsored activity; or
- The victim of the violation is a member of the college community; or
- The violation constitutes a felony under state or federal law; or
- The violation adversely affects the educational, research, or service functions of the college.
D. Faculty Right and Authority:
The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in prohibited behaviors that result in disruption of a class or college-sponsored activity may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class or activity for the remainder of the period. Longer suspensions from a class or activity, or dismissal on disciplinary grounds, require a referral to the administrator.
E. Prohibited Student Conduct:
Conduct for which students are subject to disciplinary sanctions include, but are not limited to:
- Academic Dishonesty—Cheating, plagiarizing, or aiding and abetting another person in cheating or plagiarism.
- Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations, the use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments, or the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic materials belonging to a member of the college faculty or staff.
- Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment or the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
- Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Substances—Using, selling, or possessing alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances on college controlled property. (See also Drug- and Alcohol-Free Policy)
- College Policy Infraction—Violating any other college or department policy or regulation that has been posted or publicized.
- Complicity—Aiding, abetting, attempting, conspiring, hiring, willfully encouraging or being an accessory to any violation of the Student Conduct Code.
- Computer Misuse—Abusing college information technology, including, but not limited to, computer hardware and software, computer labs, classroom technologies and computing or electronic communications devices and services. (See also college Policy 1A.10 Computer and Network System Use and Security and Minnesota State Board Policy 5.22.)
- Discrimination or Harassment—Discriminating or harassing conduct. Note: Allegations of discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or membership or activity in a local commission shall be adjudicated under separate procedures in accordance with college Discrimination and Harassment Policies (Minnesota State 1B.1), but violators shall be subject to the sanctions as described in the Student Conduct Code. (See also Discrimination and Harassment Policy)
- Disruptive Activity—Participating in or the promoting of disruptive activity that interferes with teaching, college events and activities, or disciplinary proceedings, interfering with teaching, changing the atmosphere of the classroom or preventing learning from taking place, obstructing or misusing college process, systems or services.
- Facilities Misuse—Using college facilities, supplies, vehicles, telephones or other materials or service without authorization.
- False Information—Furnishing false information; forging; unauthorized altering or misusing any document, record or instrument of identification; withholding information from the college; falsely claiming to represent the college or a student organization or club; unauthorized altering or misuse of any data or record (electronic or paper) for academic or personal gain.
- Gambling—Wagering for money or other things of value, except where permitted by law.
- Hazing—Endangering the mental or physical health of safety of a person, subjecting a person to public humiliation or ridicule, destroying or removing public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with or as a condition of continued membership in a student group or organization.
- Health, Safety or Security Endangerment—Initiating any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency, failing to abide by any published or posted health, safety or security measures, tampering with fire safety equipment or parking vehicles so as to obstruct access to college buildings.
- Obstruction of College Operations—Impeding the operations of the college by failing to comply with proper and lawful directions (this includes failing to comply with any sanction or restriction imposed by the student conduct process) of a clearly identifiable college official or designee when acting in the performance of his or her duties, failing to present identification upon request of a college official or designee.
- Smoking and Tobacco—Violating the college regulations regarding smoking and the use of tobacco products. (See also Smoking and Tobacco-Free Policies)
- Solicitation—Selling of goods or services without authorization, recruiting without authorization.
- Theft of or Damage to Property—Stealing, embezzling or possessing stolen property, destroying, defacing, using graffiti, damaging or littering on college property.
- Violence (this includes MN State's 1B.3 Sexual Violence Policy) and Threatening Behavior—Endangering the health or safety of another person physically or verbally, or causing reasonable apprehension of such harm. (See also Zero Tolerance Policy). Sexual violence includes a continuum of conduct that includes sexual assault, non-forcible sex acts, dating and relationship violence, stalking, as well as aiding in sexual violence.
- Weapons—Possessing or using unauthorized firearms or other weapons on college controlled property. A weapon is broadly defined to include, but is not limited to, all firearms, dangerous knives, explosives, explosive fuels, dangerous chemicals, billy clubs and fireworks. (See also Zero Tolerance and Possession or Carry of Firearms Policies)
- Although the Minnesota Medical Cannabis Law and program allows seriously ill Minnesotans to use medical marijuana to treat certain conditions, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Campus Security Act, and Minnesota State Board Policy 5.18 Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances on Campus. Therefore, the use, possession, production, manufacture, and distribution of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on college or university owned or controlled property or any function authorized or controlled by the college or university.
01.2007 Revised in compliance with revised Minnesota State policy. Procedural language moved to new procedure
10.2015 Revised to include language regarding Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Law
07.2016 Revised to include definition of sexual violence and language referencing Minnesota State policy 1B.3
07.2017 Technical changes, MnSCU to Minnesota State