This is an aligned policy with Anoka Technical College policy 6.1 Purchasing Cards
The purpose of the Purchasing Credit Card Program is to provide an alternative form for purchasing for necessary business commodities and services from vendors who do not issue invoices or do not accept purchase orders or a state warrant/check. The use of purchasing cards are not intended to circumvent traditional approaches to procuring goods and services for the colleges which should be engaged whenever possible.
A completed Purchasing Card Application Form is required for each cardholder which is then approved and processed through the Business Office. No employee will be able to apply directly for a purchasing card.
The address used on the cardholder's application for the employee will always be the employee's college mailing address.
The purchasing card will be customized to each cardholder's needs and will include:
- A dollar limitation on the card, established by the Business Office
- A dollar limitation of purchasing authority per transaction
- A dollar limitation of purchasing authority for the total of all charges made during each monthly billing cycle
Purchasing cards must only be used for goods or services for the colleges' use. A cardholder who makes unauthorized purchases may have the purchasing card revoked and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to termination as well as criminal prosecution.
Prohibited purchases include:
- Food and beverages for an individual employee
- Alcoholic beverages (except for approved academic course work)
- Cash or cash advances
- Items for personal use
- Employee relocation expenses
- Sensitive items such as Capital Assets or weapons; see Minnesota State Board Procedure 7.3.6 (except for the college identified cardholder of IT purchases)
- Items for non-college use
Each cardholder is responsible for the card issue to him/her.
Cardholders must upload receipts and identify cost center and object code for each transaction along with any other relevant documentation within one week of monthly statement cutoff.
Supervisors must review employee transactions for completeness and compliance with purchasing policies and approve via the expense management system by the 25th day of each month to avoid the college incurring any late fees.
All transaction approvals must be completed in a timely manner. Failure to complete required approvals may result in suspension or termination of purchasing card privileges.
05.2009 Technical change: Updated to reflect reorganization to single vice president
07.2018 Technical change, MnSCU to Minnesota State
10.2018 Aligned with Anoka Tech policy. Created language to reflect current practice and comply with applicable Minnesota State Board policy and regulations