The college recognizes the need to support the purchase of gifts, meals and promotional items in support of:
- promotional activities that support the college mission and/or strategic plan
- recognizing volunteerism by community members or staff giving of their time outside their normal working hours/work load
- activities and initiatives that improve campus life for students and staff
- increasing public awareness and community goodwill
The expenditure of general fund, student life, auxiliary enterprise and grant money to purchase gratuities or promotional items is administered in accordance with federal IRS regulations, state law and MnSCU Board policy. The President is allowed to incur special expenses from any general fund budget for food and/or beverages that complies with Minnesota State Procedure 5.20.1. All grant activity adheres to the same special expense policies and procedures as general fund money.
In addition, the college limits its purchase of gratuities and promotional items to specific areas of the college. These areas are required to have a detailed spending plan approved annually by the President or designee(s).
The recruiting/retention plan allows for the purchase of promotional gifts of nominal value (up to $2) per student. Activities within the plan include the purchase of promotional items of larger value (up to $150 in value) to be gifted fairly to current or prospective students. All items are limited to students and should be safeguarded from unintended distribution.
Human Resources
The president is allowed to incur special expenses that benefit staff by awarding individual or group achievements. This is limited to non-cash/non-negotiable items of nominal value (up to $10) and food and refreshments for events including structured training and Employee Recognition Week activities.
International Education
The president is allowed to incur special expenses that benefit volunteers, students and exchange staff by sponsoring activities, food and/or nominal gifts as part of international education sponsored events. The events must be approved by the vice president of educational services and must clearly enhance the academic experience for visiting students.
Student Life
A nominal gift package (up to $25) to any member of the public that donates time in support of college life activities is allowable. This is limited to a $10 cash gift and up to $15 of non-negotiable items of nominal value. A volunteer recognition luncheon or dinner is permitted. The recruiting/retention plan allows for the purchase of promotional gifts of nominal value (up to $2) per student. In addition, larger prizes (up to $150 in value) for student events and retention activities are allowed if gifted fairly. Student Life is allowed to provide food and refreshments for activities including but not limited to Picnics and the Halloween Costume Party.
Awards Night
The president is allowed to incur special expenses that benefit students and staff by awarding individuals with plaques, medallions or other tokens of recognition for achievements earned at the college. This is limited to non-cash/non-negotiable items of nominal value (up to $10) and food and refreshments for Awards Night events.
Employee Wellness Program
As part of staff fitness goal setting and achievement, the Wellness Committee is allowed to provide healthy food samples and refreshments at related events. To encourage participation in fitness activities, a limited number of items (up to $50 in value) are allowed to be gifted annually in recognition of achievement in fitness, health and/or overall wellness. Individuals are limited to incentives not to exceed $100 per fiscal year.
Department Head
The College President is allowed $8,000 by Minnesota State policy to use in support of performance of duties for which no other reimbursement is provided. This includes but is not limited to service awards, meals with dignitaries, plaques, gifts and refreshments for retirement parties, entries in fund-raising events and memorials for past and current employees.
Public Information
The Auxiliary Enterprise Business Plan allows the President $15,000 annually to use to increase public awareness and goodwill. This includes but is not limited to donations and on campus meals to community service groups, gifts for the public of nominal value and refreshments at news conferences.
Executive Management
The College President is allowed to incur special expenses that benefit staff by offering gifts of nominal value and/or food. This includes but is not limited to State of the College Addresses, semester staff meetings, college-wide meetings and Foundation and College Advisory Committees.
Receiving Gifts, Meals or Promotional Items
Desktop Reference Material
Faculty and teaching staff are allowed to accept books and resource material from publishers. These materials are not intended for re-sale
Meals from Vendors
Employees must not allow vendors to pay for meals. Food items of nominal value (bagels, candy, popcorn, cookies) can be accepted if offered to an office area vs. an individual.
Gifts and Vendor Discounts
Items & price reductions of nominal value can be accepted from vendors when offered as a part of a marketing campaign. Larger items obtained at conferences paid by the college can be accepted on behalf of the college. These items should be recorded in the business office.
07.2017 Technical change: MnSCU to Minnesota State
08.2017 Technical change: eliminated section on INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT