Nursing Department

Nursing Department
Nursing is the fastest-growing occupation in the U.S. today.
Anoka-Ramsey’s Nursing program is the second largest in the state of Minnesota, and consistently ranks at the top of Minnesota’s Nursing programs.
Who We Are
Our accredited Nursing program is ranked among the best in the state and boasts a board pass rate of 90+%. We also offer the state’s lowest tuition rate.
Course Descriptions starting Fall 2024
Department Directory
Admissions | 763-433-1300
Dean Sandra Kohler | 763-433-1603
Assoc. Dean Dr. Gwen O'Brien | 763-433-1839
Meet Fernande (Fern) Deno

Meet Abigail Krause

Degrees & Certificates We Offer
The Nursing Department offers two academic tracks for an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Nursing: a traditional Nursing program and a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program. Four-year bachelor degrees are also offered at each campus.