Profile - Kayshree Jagannath

Student Profile
Albertville, MN
Question and Answer
What made you decide to attend college after high school?
I wanted to further my education so that in the long run I would have a more stable job and be more educated in general. Also, I’ve always loved learning so for me I didn’t feel forced to come to college. It was my decision and it kept me busy.
Why did you choose Anoka-Ramsey?
I chose Anoka-Ramsey because I love the friendly environment of people and the staff is so friendly. There are also a wide variety of programs courses to choose from, and it’s part of the MnTC.
What is one of the best aspects of Anoka-Ramsey?
The diversity of students on campus.
Fun Facts
Fast Fact #1
Kayshree modeled through the John Casablanca’s Model and Talent Agency for two years.
Fast Fact #2
One of Kayshree's wild dreams is to live to see the day that someone comes up with a cure for Cystic Fibrosis (CF).
Fun Fact #3
Kayshree served as President of the Multicultural Club at Anoka-Ramsey.