World Languages Department

World Languages Department
The ability to speak more than one language is a distinct career advantage in our “global village” today – whether you major in a second language or not. The World Languages Division faculty opens new doors for students with ASL, French, German and Spanish language courses.
Who We Are
Students seeking a four-year degree can fulfill their college language requirement at Anoka-Ramsey before transferring. And because language and culture are intertwined, the department also offers courses in French, German and Latin American culture. Culture courses are taught in English.
Course Descriptions:
ASL French German Spanish
ASLFrench German Spanish
Admissions | 763-433-1300
Dean Scott Stankey | 763-433-1396
Meet Judah Porter

Degrees and Certificates We Offer
In addition to Spanish, French, German and ASL Anoka-Ramsey also offers culture courses corresponding to each of our four language departments. The culture courses are taught in English and are cross-listed as Humanities courses. For more details on our language programs and course offerings, please read the World Languages Passport brochure.