To renew your items or check on your requests, log in here:
My Library Account
Click Library Search to find books, DVDs, CDs, and other materials at Anoka-Ramsey and other Minnesota state colleges and universities. Use your StarID and password to log into Library Search when requesting items.
Click MnLINK to find books, DVDs, CDs, and other materials at public libraries in Minnesota. Use the blank InterLibrary Loan request form from the ARCC Library Search if you find an item you want to request.
Browse magazines & journals by subject with BrowZine
How to use BrowZine - a short tutorialDatabases
For a full list of Databases the library subscribes to:
Go to A-Z List
ARTSTOR: Art images - ArtStor Quickstart Guide
BREPOLIS: International Medieval Bibliography--(on-campus use only) Brepolis Guide
BRITANNICA ACADEMIC EDITION: Encyclopedia content; articles, multimedia, biographies, and research tools
BRITANNICA ORIGINAL SOURCES: Over 420,000 primary source documents, complete books, and authentic images
eHRAF: World Cultures eHRAF User Guide
EBSCO: Contains multiple databases on topics like academics, art, business, allied health (CINAHL), psychology (PsycArticles), etc. EBSCO Tutorial
**NEW!!** EBSCO Databases have a new look! Click here for a quick look at the new user interface.
>>If you have trouble accessing EBSCO from off campus, try this link: eLibraryMN
GALE: Academic databases including Opposing Viewpoints, etc. Gale Tutorials
GROVE MUSIC ONLINE: Comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship Grove Music Help Page
JSTOR: Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection JSTOR Tutorials
LEARNING EXPRESS LIBRARY: Create your own account for this resource, where you will find test preparation materials (tutorials, eBooks, practice tests, etc.) for various exams: Accuplacer, ACT, NCLEX, PTA, SAT, TEAS, and more.
How to create a free Learning Express Library Account
PROQUEST DATABASES (ProQuest Help) incl. U.S. Newsstream, Nursing and Allied Health Premium
Nursing & Allied Health Premium CollectionJournals
Please see a librarian if a year you need is not listed below.
Annual Review of Medicine (2016 to present)
Annual Review of Psychology (2015 to present)
Annual Review of Public Health (2015 to present)
Contemporary Literature (from on-campus PCs only)
Geography Teacher
Journal of Chemical Education (1924 to present)
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (2011 to present)
Journal of Geography
Journal of Music Therapy (1996-current)
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) (1979 to present)
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (2014 to present)
Music Therapy Perspectives (1996-current)
Resurgence & Ecologist (1966 to present)- What is a scholarly journal (sometimes referred to a "peer-reviewed")?
- Why shouldn't I just "google" my research...what's the big difference?
- How can I determine if a website is credible?
Research guides are lists of recommended resources organized by subject, created and curated by your friendly librarians. If you would like a research guide created for your course or discipline, please contact one of the librarians for more information.
Search Films-On-Demand, providing high-quality video and multimedia for academic, vocational and life-skills content. You'll need your StarID and password when viewing from off campus.
Search Kanopy, an on-demand streaming video platform that offers viewers a large collection of award-winning films and documentaries. You will need to create a free Kanopy account and sign in to access the collection. You'll need your StarID and password when viewing from off campus.
Films on Demand - Finding videos in Films on Demand (2:33 min. running time) Intro to Library Resources - Overview of how to search in EBSCO, Gale, ProQuest, and library catalog (21:54 min. running time) JSTOR Database
Using JSTOR, a digital library containing academic journals and primary sources (2:44 min running time)Kanopy--Part 1: Creating an Account
Creating a Kanopy account in order to view streaming videos (1:52 min.running time)Kanopy--Part 2: Searching in Kanopy
How to find videos in Kanopy; search tips; accessing citations (4:19 min. running time)LearningExpress Library
Find practice tests and study materials for TEAS, NCLEX, Accuplacer and more in the LearningExpress Library(6:49 min. running time)Opposing Viewpoints
How to find information in the Opposing Viewpoint database (4:08 min. running time)Popular Magazines, Trade Journals and Peer-reviewed Journals A brief explanation of their differences (2:50 min. running time) Searching for Newspaper Articles in Proquest
Basic instructions about searching in ProQuest (7:56 min running time)Interactive Tutorials
Adding LibKey to your browser -- a brief tutorial about activating LibKey to easily locate articles accessible through Anoka-Ramsey library resources BrowZine - a brief tutorial about browsing online magazines and journals by subject with BrowZine Evaluating Online Resources Finding Newspaper Articles in ProQuest Finding Journal Articles Using LibrarySearch
Downloadable instructions for accessing scholarly articlesIntroduction to Library Services and Resources Using CINAHL (EBSCO nursing database) Using JSTOR Using Library Search Information Literacy Tutorials
Create a free account at New Literacies Alliance to take full advantage of these short self-paced lessons.
Research Foundations
Academic Research & Writing
Evidence Based Practice
Ask the Right Questions
Types of Information
Value of Information
Access MattersChoosing Information Paths
Scholarly Conversations
Google Scholar for ResearchSearch Strategies
Question Authority
Reading Scientific Research
Evidence Based Practice -
Do you speak "library"? Use these links to learn about commonly used library terms and what they mean.
Opposing Viewpoints is the premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration, to violent video games. This cross-curricular research tool supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Its informed, differing views present each side of an issue and help students develop information literacy, critical thinking skills, and the confidence to draw their own valid conclusions.
CQ Researcher provides in-depth analysis on newsworthy social and political issues, including background information, chronologies and pro/con features in its coverage. For more information, see CQ Researcher Information for Students.
USDA National Agriculture LibraryMinnesota Reflections
Over 50,000 Minnesota-specific primary sources & itemsBritannica Academic
An accurate, current, and comprehensive resource for college-level learnersMinnesota Statutes
Minnesota Statutes, Session Laws, and RulesCIA World Factbook
Information on 267 countries/entitiesNASA PubSpace
Public access to peer-reviewed papers from NASA-funded researchFederal Digital System
US government informationNational Library of Medicine
Access to PubMed, MedLine, MeSH, and moreGlobal Climate Change
Vital signs of our planetOccupational Outlook Handbook
Information about careers, employment, salaries & moreKhan Academy (Subject Tutorials)
Free tutorials and personalized learningScience
U.S. government science informationLibrary of Congress (or LOC)
The largest library in the world, with millions of books, films, video, audio recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts. LOC is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress.Statistical Abstracts
Information from the U.S. Census BureauMedical Library Association
Supports health information research and educates health information professionals.United Nations Demographic Yearbook
Demographic and social statistics gathered from national and international sourcesMerck Manual
One of the most widely used comprehensive medical resources for professionals and consumers.United Nations Statistical Yearbook
Downloadable yearbook - an annual publicationMinnesota Compass
Trends and data on the topics that impact Minnesotans' quality of
Official website of the United States GovernmentMinnesota Court Forms
Downloadable court forms from the Minnesota Judicial Branch websiteU.S. Census
Census Bureau data about the nation's people and economyMinnesota Legislative Manual
From the Secretary of State website - downloadable MN Blue BookWhite House
Official website of the White HouseState of Minnesota
Official Minnesota state website -
Citation Help
Tutors in the ARCC Writing Center can help you with citations and references.
- Website:
- Email:
Style Guides
After using any of these resources, always double-check your citations against the most current published guide. Below you will find resources for the most commonly used citation styles from the style guide homepages, as well as, the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).
- APA - American Psychological Association style is most commonly used to cite sources within the sciences. APA Tutorial
- MLA - Modern Language Association style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities.
- CMS - Chicago Manual of Style covers a variety of topics from manuscript preparation and publication to grammar, usage, and documentation. CMS Quick Chart
- Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides writing resources and instructional material for MLA and APA styles.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I cite a Tweet or other social media? Or YouTube?
- What is plagiarism and how do I determine if I'm at risk of doing it?
- Which websites are considered credible and how can I evaluate my results?
- What is the difference between scholarly journals and popular magazines?
- to use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas
- to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
- to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
Source:, 2017
What Are OER Textbooks?
Click to read the MinnState guides about OER:
Quick Guide to OER for Students
Using OER Through Covid-19
Minnesota State Guide to OERIf You're Creating an OER:
UDL On Campus: Creating Accessible Open Educational Resources
The OER Starter KitWhere to Begin Searching for OER
Minnesota State Opendora - OER materials created by MinnState faculty
Community College Consortium for OER - open texts for community colleges in a variety of subjects
MERLOT Project, advanced search by material type
OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search)
OER Commons - links to texts in Biology, Business, Math, and Psychology
Open Textbook Library - University of Minnesota’s OER textbook library
OpenStax - peer-reviewed texts for students
Pressbooks Directory - a free, searchable catalog that includes 5,791 open access books published by 160 organizations and networks using Pressbooks. Many include interactive H5P learning activities to engage learners.
Directory of Open Access Journals - search or browse for free journal articles
CORA: Community of Online Research Assignments - an open access resource for faculty and librarians, intended to be a collaborative space for adapting and experimenting with research assignments.
OER Resources by Discipline
CHEM: CLUE - Chemistry, Life, the Universe and Everything
ENGL: 88 Open Essays - Google Docs ; Ebooks Minnesota
Open Geography Education
Syllabus, Quizzes and Exams | OER RepositoryMATH:
Getting Started with Math OER
MyOpenMath - self-study sources for students; pre-built courses based on open texts for instructors
Stitz Zeager Open Source MathematicsPSYC: Noba Project - Psychology OERs
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations -
February 2025What’s the difference between OERs, Open Access, and Library eBooks?
What are OER?
How open access (OA) differs from OER
Are OER and OA the same thing?
Library eBooks: advantages and disadvantagesOERs
The Art of Music: Music Appreciation with an Equity Lens, by Amy McGlothlin, Fitchburg State University and Jennifer Bill, Boston University
Atomic Physics for Everyone: An Introduction to Atomic Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Precision Spectroscopy with No College-Level Prerequisites, by Will Raven, Smith College
Community and Public Health Nursing: a Call to Action, by Andrea Reed, Beth Tremblay, Chloe Gross, Felisa Smith, Gretchen Wiersma, Jamela M. Martin, Judith Rogers Fruiterman, and Roy Brown, Virginia
Cooperative Organic Chemistry Student Laboratory Manual, by Elizabeth L. Day, University of Texas – El Paso, Melanie M. Cooper and Mengqi Zhang, Michigan State University
The History and Culture of the Mni Wakan Oyate (Spirit Lake Nation), by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The History and Culture of the Standing Rock Oyate, by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The History and Culture of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Introduction to Philosophy, by Sondra Peron, Springfield Technical Community College
North Dakota Native American Essential Understandings, by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Oral Literary Worlds: Location, Transmission and Circulation, edited by Sara Marzagora, King’s College, London and Francesca Orsini, University of London
Quantitative Problem Solving in Natural Resources, by Peter Moore, Iowa State
Beyond Impunity: New Directions for Governance in Malawi, edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Asiyati Lorraine Chiweza and Wapulumuka O. Mulwafu
Do You Want to Major in Music? : a Guide to Majoring in Music or Music Education in American Colleges and Universities, by Jill Wilson, Luther College, and Natalie Steele Royston, Iowa State University
The Field Guide to Mixing Social and Biophysical Methods in Environmental Research, edited by Rebecca Lave, Indiana University and Stuart Lane, University of Lausanne
Introduction to Earth Science, 2nd Edition, by Laura Neser, Virginia Tech
Ordinary Sudan, 1504–2019: from Social History to Politics from Below, edited by Mahassin Abdul Jalil, Iris, Seri-Hersch, Anael Poussier, Lucie Revilla, and Elena Vezzadini
The Routledge Handbook of Global Islam and Consumer Culture, edited by Birgit Krawietz and Francois Gauthier
Sufficiency in Business: The Transformative Potential of Business for Sustainability, edited by Maike Gossen and Laura NiessenE-BOOKS IN THE LIBRARIES’ E-BOOK DATABASES
Anatomy of Deception: Conspiracy Theories, Distrust, and Public Health in America, by Sara E. Gorman
Artificial Era: Predictions, Problems, and Diversity in AI, by Gissel Velarde
Blacks And Jews in America: An Invitation to Dialogue, by Terrence L Johnson
Chequered Past, Uncertain Future: The History Of Pakistan, by Tahir Kamran
Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI, by Ethan Mollick
Coming of Age in Mississippi: The Classic Autobiography of Growing Up Poor and Black in the Rural South, by Anne Moody
Farewell to Manzanar: a True Story of Japanese American Experience During and After the World War II Internment, by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D Houston
Free Speech and Turbulent Freedom: The Dangerous Allure of Censorship in the Digital Era, by Michael J Glennon
Heart of the Wild: Essays on Nature, Conservation, and the Human Future, by Ben A. Minteer; Jonathan B. Losos
Laboratory of Modernity: Ukraine Between Empire and Nation, 1772-1914, by Serhii Bilenkyi
Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan, by Artemy M. Kalinovsky
Microbes: the Unseen Agents of Climate Change, by David L. Kirchman
Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence, by Ajay Agrawal
Saudi Arabia and Iraq as Friends and Enemies: Borders, Tribes and a Shared History, by Joshua Yaphe
Thicker Than Water: A Social and Evolutionary Study of Iron Deficiency in Women, by Elizabeth M. Miller
Your Money or Your Life: Debt Collection in American Medicine, by Luke MessacCAMBRIDGE
Print Books
American Indians and the American Dream: Policies, Place, and Property in Minnesota, by Kasey R. Keeler
Carefree Black Girls: A Celebration of Black Women in Popular Culture, by Zeba Blay
A History of the Muslim World: From Its Origins to the Dawn of Modernity, by Michael CookLIBRARY SCIENCE
The Kind Librarian: Cultivating a Culture of Kindness and Wellbeing in Libraries, by Helen Rimmer
Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in Libraries, edited by Kalani Keahi Adolpho, Stephen G. Krueger, and Krista McCrackenLANGUAGE & LITERATURE
Across So Many Seas, by Ruth Behar (2025 Newbery Honor Book)
Bright Red Fruit, by Safia Elhillo (2025 Newbery Honor Book)
Compound Fracture, by Andrew Joseph White (2025 Printz Honor Book)
The Deep Dark, by Molly Knox Ostertag (2025 Printz Honor Book)
Gay Poems for Red States, by Willie Edward Taylor Carver Jr.
The Language Puzzle: Piecing Together the Six-Million-Year Story of How Words Evolved, by Steven Mithen
Magnolia Wu Unfolds it All, by Chanel Miller (2025 Newbery Honor Book)
The Quite Librarian, by Allen Eskens
Road Home, by Rex Ogle (2025 Printz Honor Book)
Twenty-four Seconds from Now..., by Jason Reynolds (2025 Coretta Scott King Book Award Winner)
The Wrong Way Home, by Kate O'Shaughnessy (2025 Newbery Honor Book)MEDICINE
Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives and on the Health of Our Nation, by Linda VillarosaSCIENCE
Artificial Era: Predictions, Problems, and Diversity in AI, by Gissel VelardeSOCIAL SCIENCES
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder
Policing Pregnant Bodies: From Ancient Greece to Post-Roe America, by Kathleen M. Crowther
Slow Burn: The Hidden Costs of a Warming World, by R. Jisung Park
Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Marsha P. Johnson and Beyond, by Leslie Feinberg
Supplementary Information
Contact the Library
Coon Rapids 763-433-1150
Cambridge 763-433-1950Email the Library
Book an Appointment
Research Assistance FormFaculty Librarians
Gina Pancerella-Willis
Coon Rapids
MS, Drexel University
BA, Franklin and Marshall CollegeJuliana Boner
Coon Rapids
MLIS, Dominican University
BA, St. Catherine UniversityRobyn Slusher
MLIS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
BA, Missouri State UniversityLibrary Staff
TJ Guiney
Coon Rapids
MLIS, St. Catherine UniversityKarin Becklin-Greene
School Librarian Certification, University of North Texas
BS, University of Minnesota