Resources to help you find and secure safe, affordable housing.
There is a bulletin board located in the lower level of the Student Center on Rapids Campus with some housing and roommate information. Contact Joyce Traczyk for more information, (763)-433-1243.
You don't need to navigate this alone. Anoka-Ramsey Community College Counselors are available to meet with students who need assistance with mental health or basic needs issues.
Make an appointment with ARCC Counselors
Find resources for:
Emergency Housing for Adults
General Housing Resources
Emergency Housing for Adults
Family Promise in Anoka County |
Higher Ground Saint Paul Shelter |
Salvation Army |
Sharing & Caring Hands |
Stepping Stone in Anoka County |
Union Gospel Mission |
General Housing Resources
The Bridge for YouthThe Bridge for Youth provides runaway and homeless youth with safe shelter, assists in the prevention and resolution of family conflicts, and reunifies families whenever possible. Learn more online or call (612) 230-6601 or (612) 377-8800. |
Hope 4 YouthHousing help and drop-in centers. 24-Hour crisis line. Learn more online or call 736-323-2066. |
HousingLinkSearch for affordable apartments, houses, duplexes, townhomes or condos. |
Lakes and PinesLakes and Pines can offer emergency housing assistance to individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis. Learn more online or call (320) 679-1800 or 1-800-832-6082. |
Minnesota Commerce Department Energy Assistance ProgramThe Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps pay for home heating costs and furnace repairs for income-qualified households. |
Minnesota HousingHousing is the foundation for success, so they collaborate with individuals, communities and partners to create, preserve and finance housing that is affordable. As the state's housing finance agency, they know housing that is affordable is an essential part of your community's infrastructure and the foundation for success for all Minnesotans. From helping families buy and fix up their homes to supporting local workforce housing needs, they'll work with you to provide opportunities across the housing continuum in your community. Talk to us about: Learn more online |
New PathwaysNew Pathways support basic needs for people include: meals, a safe, warm place to sleep, and skills and resources necessary to find and maintain housing. Learn more online or call (763) 691-0121. |
A Place for YouA Place For You is a transitional shelter that serves as a safe place for people in distress. We provide for basic needs and offer guidance and resources that give life changing alternatives to residents while respecting the potential and dignity inherent in each individual. Learn more online or call (320) 438-7070 |
Project for Pride in LivingThis list includes contact information and qualifications for several emergency housing assistance programs in the metro area. Learn more online or call (612) 455-5100. |
Rental ResourcesThe following rental options are not affiliated with Anoka-Ramsey Community College. This information is provided for informational purposes only as a service to our students. Apartments for Rent in Coon Rapids |
YMCA Youth Intervention Resource LineYouth and Family Services offers supportive services to young people experiencing barriers as a result of homelessness, or involvement in the foster care or juvenile justice systems. |
YouthLinkConnects youth to a community of resources and help them discover pathways that get them where they want to go. Learn more online or call (612) 252-1200. |
Youth Services Network of MNA collaborative resource to find a shelter, see locations that have available space, and get help. |