New to college? Taking a test? How do you feel? It is perfectly normal to feel stress in reaction to certain life situations such as beginning college, losing or starting a job, giving a speech, meeting new people, or balancing numerous responsibilities. Stress can be a positive in small amounts because it helps us meet deadlines or avoid danger, but it can also manifest as anxiety. Common symptoms include:
- A feeling of fear
- Anxious thoughts
- Upset stomach
- Poor concentration
- A feeling of dread
- Rapid heartbeat
- Trouble sleeping
- Sweating
You can assess how you are feeling, Take a Mental Health Test - Mental Health America (fast and anonymous).
Mild stress and anxiety are normal, however, severe and persistent symptoms could be signs of a diagnosable anxiety disorder. If this might be you, don’t be afraid to consult with a doctor or mental health professional. To learn more, visit the National Institute of Mental Health.
At Anoka-Ramsey, we are here to support you!
How? Here are just a few examples:
Techniques for Reducing Anxiety
Interrupt Negative Thought Patterns
Use The 333 Rule
Focus on three things you can see, then three things you can hear, and then three ways you can move your body. YouTube video: The 333 Rule to Calm Anxiety and Stress
Try Box Breathing
Think of a square. Inhale for four seconds and picture moving up one side of the box, hold for four seconds moving along the top of the box, breathe out for four seconds moving down the third side of the box, hold for four seconds, repeat.
YouTube video: Box Breathing Technique
Challenge negative thoughts
When a negative thought pops into your head, state out loud this isn’t useful. Ask your mind why it sent this thought. Analyze the thought and ask what is it telling us? Take it apart.
Move and groove
Get up and walk for 10 minutes; before a test or a job interview, take the stairs instead of the elevator; dance like no one is watching for 5 minutes; vacuum; pet a dog or cat; sing out loud.
Be aware of, understand, and respond to your symptoms
YouTube video: 5 Proven Steps to End Anxiety Symptoms
Did you do it? Laugh just because. Just go ahead and try it.
Establish Positive Habits and Practices
Declutter your mind and environment:
Every day take some time to turn off technology, especially social media, news, TikTok. Here’s why and how.
Install apps to slow the scroll
There are apps that help slow down the clicking, surfing and scrolling, examples:
Gain awareness of the present moment by practicing meditation. Mindfulness can lead to a sense of calm and contentment. There are many great apps and also videos on YouTube such as Mindfulness Meditation for Messy Times.
Spend time in nature
It’s proven that nature can make you feel happier, more focused, and more connected.
Try Aromatherapy
It can boost relaxation and elevate mood, in particular bergamot, lavender, clary sage, and grapefruit.
Organize and declutter spaces
Start with your primary rooms and create a calming environment. It will help with anxiety and also lead to productive studying.
Take care of your body:
Walk, bike, practice Yoga, get up from the desk and touch your toes. Find big or small ways each day to be active because it helps you stay in the moment and decreases muscle tension.
One idea: YouTube video: Yoga for Panic and Anxiety-15 Minutes
Eat smart
Choose nutrient rich foods that can boost your mood and minimize processed foods and sugar. Limit or cut out caffeine, alcohol, energy drinks, and tobacco.
This can be a vicious circle, you need it to help with anxiety, but sometimes you can’t get to sleep because of it. Be sure you are practicing good habits like turning off technology before bed, going to bed at the same time, and using breathing exercises or guided mediation, more ideas here:
Maintain Healthy Relationships:
Talk with trusted family and friends about how you are feeling. Ask them to check in with you. You can also meet with counselors or other health care professionals. You are not alone in these feelings.
Feed your soul
Spend more time with friends and family that build you up, make you laugh, or that you can play with. If you need to widen this circle look for campus and community organizations.
Practice Gratitude
Have a daily practice of being grateful for the things in your life that are positive, it can be a good friend, your dog, a comfy bed or something you accomplished today. You can make a mental checklist or write in a journal. Whenever possible express gratitude to people in your life, say it to them directly and it will instantly impact your mood too.
Additional Resources
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